Children learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, we feel we provide an environment rich in materials, where experiences are direct and concrete. The “hands on” approach to learning helps build the foundation for future abstract experiences.

Language skills are developed through “sharing” experiences with classmates. Students communicate with others through social play, dramatizations and manipulative-building experiences. Field trips and classroom activities provide opportunities to explore and discuss.

Problem solving skills are developed as children work with all kinds of manipulative materials. Items such as counters, beans, blocks, buttons, pasta, etc. are used to help students discover mathematical laws and relationships.

Fine motor skills are developed at a young age, while tracing in sand, rice, salt, then moving to paper! All children love to paint, paste and sculpt with clay or dough. Art, music and cooking experiences will be integrated into learning to promote creativity, as well as enhancing fine motor skills.

The five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and feeling are pathways to knowledge. Children will be exposed to all kinds of opportunities to sharpen their senses and discuss what they perceive. Our staff is very creative and perceptive in meeting the needs, academically and socially, of our students.